Employee engagement refers to the efforts by an organization to fully involve its employees in the programs, practices and operations of the organization, including charitable and sustainability activities is a part of organization culture we have helped to develop for tens of businesses!
Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of a business. Culture includes the organization's vision, values, norms, systems, symbols, language, assumptions, environment, location, beliefs and habits.
And finally, organizational culture consists of three levels: assumptions, which are below the surface, values, and artifacts.

Inmillhouse will help you to define your goals. At times companies feel pressed to make a deeper commitment to social media, yet they haven’t identified their objectives. Do you want to drive and monetize traffic to a website? Enhance reputation? Get the attention of influentials? Each will inform a different set of metrics.
A company also should address how employees may use social media as it concerns the company. These types of policies should cover, at a minimum:
- which employees may speak on the company’s behalf;
- what types of communications employees may make; and
- how and when an employee must obtain approval before speaking for the company.
Although several laws restrict how employers may address these areas (as noted below), there are certain types of conduct that employers may prohibit in almost any situation. Specifically, a private sector may maintain a policy that, at a minimum, prohibits an employee from:
- indicating that the employee is speaking for the company when the company has not authorized the employee to do so;
- making statements that would create a hostile work environment or otherwise constitute discrimination;
- making intentionally false statements;
- disclosing proprietary information; and
- using social media during working time. If your company does not already maintain a policy that restricts these types of activities, it should do so as soon as practicable; if you wait until after an employee has made a legally protected communication, it may be unlawful to implement a restriction in response to that protected communication.
Start by listening. Sure, you’re already using tools to monitor the conversation if your brand is being discussed. What if it’s off the social radar? There are relevant industry issues, trends or competitive activity that can help inform a strategy. Sometimes what you learn can even translate into quick visibility. A Google Alerts for your industry’s hot topics can help identify the right bloggers and media, and it might also let you jump on breaking news with your own commentary or content.
Join the conversation. Even if you have a robust content marketing program, one of the easiest ways to attract more views is to become a member of relevant online communities. All it takes is time and continuity.
Optimize your PR content. Don’t forget to enhance press releases. Use more video and images; it serves two needs by being more searchable and more compelling to journalists and bloggers.
Build new relationships with social platforms. Twitter, with its liberal follow model, is unbeatable as a social tool for reaching influential media and analysts. Check out Muck Rack, which organizes all journalists on Twitter into “beats,” build your own lists, or join relevant Twibes to engage users. You can also use relevant LinkedIn discussion groups, or start your own.
Create more content. Of course, creating content is where many programs stall. If a corporate opinion blog is too much to take on, consider aggregating industry trends or issues once a week, linking and giving credit to other sources. Or, set a goal of commenting weekly on industry blogs. If that’s too much, arrange to guest blog for a trade publication or content site on a regular basis.
Reuse, recycle, repurpose. Remember that an industry speech can be easily converted to a bylined article for a trade or business publication, which can then be republished as a blog post. In some cases, all you need do is shorten or reformat, and add a topical lead.
Anticipate feedback. The “command and control” messaging days are gone. Socialized news announcements and content will attract public feedback. Have a plan for responding to engaged users, and be ready with a fully “socialized” issues and crisis plan if your brand is vulnerable.
Organizational communication climate is not created overnight. Organizational leaders need to be open, create a trusting atmosphere, and actively involve employees in the decision-making process. Some different ways organizations can encourage employee feedback include town hall meetings, skip-level meetings, employee ambassador programs and culture committees.
In an organization with positive communication climate featured by openness/trust in communication and participation, employees are more likely to believe in and support the change through cooperation and championing the change.
Secondly, a positive communication climate helps foster organizational identification, which contributes to employees’ attitudes and commitment to the change as well as behavior, referring to cooperation and championing the change.
If these programs are already a part of your communication climate, then they can be readily used during times of organizational change. During times of organizational change, mid-level managers and direct supervisors should be available and offer opportunities for employees to share their concerns and any problems they are encountering during implementation of the changes.

Organizational culture is defined as the underlying beliefs, assumptions, values and ways of interacting that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization.
While there is universal agreement that it exists, and that it plays a crucial role in shaping behavior in organizations, there is little consensus on what organizational culture actually is, never mind how it influences behavior and whether it is something leaders can change.
This is a problem, because without a reasonable definition (or definitions) of culture, we cannot hope to understand its connections to other key elements of the organization, such as structure and incentive systems. Nor can we develop good approaches to analyzing, preserving and transforming cultures. If we can define what organizational culture is, it gives us a handle on how to diagnose problems and even to design and develop better cultures.
Inmillhouse Public Relations Agency can help you define your culture and find the triggers to influence it in order to reach your companies and investors expectations!
Culture is consistent, observable patterns of behavior in organizations. Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.” This view elevates repeated behavior or habits as the core of culture and deemphasizes what people feel, think or believe. It also focuses our attention on the forces that shape behavior in organizations, and so highlights an important question: are all those forces (including structure, processes, and incentives) “culture” or is culture simply the behavioral outputs?
Culture is powerfully shaped by incentives. The best predictor of what people will do is what they are incentivized to do. By incentives, we mean here the full set of incentives — monetary rewards, non-monetary rewards such as status, recognition and advancement, and sanctions — to which members of the organization are subject. But where do incentives come from? As with the previous definition, there are potential chicken-and-egg issues. Are patterns of behavior the product of incentives, or have incentives been shaped in fundamental ways by beliefs and values that underpin the culture?
InMillhouse can help you to manage your organizations culture trough a social control system. Here the focus is the role of culture in promoting and reinforcing “right” thinking and behaving, and sanctioning “wrong” thinking and behaving. Key in this definition of culture is the idea of behavioral “norms” that must be upheld, and associated social sanctions that are imposed on those who don’t “stay within the lines.” This view also focuses attention on how the evolution of the organization shaped the culture. That is, how have the existing norms promoted the survival of the organization in the past? Note: implicit in this evolutionary view is the idea that established cultures can become impediments to survival when there are substantial environmental changes. Please contact us to find out more.

Let InMillhouse work out your companies strategic public relations vision! The strategic vision provides an overview of where you want to be at in a specific time in the future. It helps provide an overarching principle(s) for all the detail contained in later sections. The strategic vision can be short or long term, depending on the type and duration of the project being proposed. We will help also your vision place into a plan!
Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure that employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess and adjust the organization's culture and encourage behavior towards necessity of public relations.

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