I waked up at 7 am and at 7:30 met Summer in the bathroom where both of us where making morning wash-up. It was a cold morning as it rained all night and even when we went out from the hostel it was raining. Summer took the umbrella and we used it on our way to the monasteries where we went to listen to the morning prayers.

Afterwards we went to TaJo Temple the biggest temple in Lhasa after Putala palace and as it was still closed we walked around it and on our way visited a lot of smaller temples. We went early and everything was still closed so we sat down at some Tibetan cafeteria and had some chai - Tibetan tea with milk.

Each monk where chanting morning prayers and in one place they even chanted prayers on us before washing our heads with water. And pouring it in our hands giving to us wash our mouth with sacred water.
We bought some special things which everybody puts in a candle place in temples and monasteries and after visiting some 10 temples we sat down in one Buddhist monastery to listen for Buddhist monks chanting. I fell in some meditative state and time seemed to pass quickly.

Summer was sitting right by my side and from time to time touching hair of my left let - twisting, brushing, pulling and playing with them. I liked it stronger than my meditative state. It gave me more pleasure for sure...:)
Afterwards we went to some local "kind of McDonalds" Named Dico's to have ice cream and french fries. It was not good. Chinese food is better. :)
And afterwards we went back to our hostel to take a nap. This was a great spent Sunday's morning!:)

Afternoon was busy. Me and Summer went out to have some fun. Streets where flooded as the rain was going for over 20 hours non-stop. We eat some just about made crisps and drank Tibetan chai. That was very delicious!:)

Afterwards we walked in park and later on went to cinema but it was closed already so instead of that we just had fun in local attraction center.

Generally it was very cool day. I spoke with my father and mother on the phone for like about half hour. Could feel their stress about me but I tried to explain that I'm as fine as never before.

Today while walked alone I understood that China is enough for me to want to learn Chinese language. This country has got everything I need except vegetarian kitchen - which I see as an option for business here.

Tomorrow I'm going probably for a final day in the job - I hope I will finish website tomorrow so Tuesday could go and see something outside of Lhasa if my permit will be ready.

I bought a new wallet for me in a red color with golden stripes for 2 euros as Tibetans believe that in the wallet of red color more money will be.:) The beginning is not bad!:)