I'm waiting for a hotel owner to return from Colombo where she went 3 days ago to pick up her camera to take a good pictures for a website. Bit she told that she'll be back after one day - but now it's been already a while since I haven't seen her.

That makes me kind of stuck in here and Cutting of my days to see Sri Lanka. But from other side - I'm doing things which had to be done a long time ago. And I'm spending all days by computer with tea brought to me by my servants for a time I'm in Sri Lanka.

Today since the very time I waked up I've been working on one of my books to be published. So it's a much more time consuming process that I've imagined that. But it's moving.

And I guess I'm lucky to have the opportunity to work on a book in such a nice atmosphere - a big house by the lake, surrounded by palms, nice weather and bird songs wherever I go. I have not been out of this castle at all today. It does satisfy my every need. The main thing - I'm a King here for these days. Well - at least I feel so. So as I am what I feel - I'm a King!:) Yeeeeee!:) Don't know yet when I will leave this magical place. I believe that I was living somewhere around here few past lives ago!:)